“Anniya Doyeenna Horreemo”. (I will raid after my father spied the land)
Mulugeta B. Daye
The title of this article is derived from weedo. Weedo is a poem and dance of glorifying of peers who took part in Luwa. The Luwa system has two important objectives. The first and the most important one is the recruitment and training of the able bodied men for the defence of the nation. the second is In the process of recruitment is all inclusive, regardless the status of wealth, social affiliation, just to accommodate somebody to participate in and to share the pride from the participation that comes from song of participation to glorify those who part take in luwa known as weedo.
However, the recruitment to a given Luwa grade does not depend on the age of the individual. It depends on the grade of one's father. For instance, if we assume that Darara is the first cycle and Mogissa is the last cycle, and if the son of Darara becomes Mogissa, a son born to a person who is a member of the Darara cycle has to wait for 32-40 years to join the Mogissa grade. Therefore, in the Luwa cycle, it is possible that a child as well as a 40 years old adult can become members of the same Luwa cycle. Thus, age is not a sole criterion in the making of the Sidama Cimeessa (respected elder).
A person who did not pass through the Luwa cycles cannot become a Cimeessa while a younger person can qualify for a position if he fulfils all other requirements. Spying is all about physical and psychological presence in the territory of enemy; evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy, and suggesting and instructing the comrades how to prepare over the strengths of the opponents before the carrying out actual combat.
Spying fathers of the Sidama luwa combatants have been instructors, strategists and educators. They were also good communicators who mastered the content of their messages, that lead their trainees to effective victory over enemy territories, expansion of the horizon of the nation and collect booty, for peer and pride for generation.
May be the most crucial question this time around is what is the content of the messages? I am sure that you are familiar with product labels which show what is inside even before you open. The term content means for me is a burden, essence, gist, ideas, the matter, meaning, significance, substance, thoughts or capacity.
If the message lucks in the contents department, then the whole message loses its purpose. The content acts as the back bone to our message and information. Imagine the human body without a back bone, the body will collapse. Therefore the content has to be taken seriously. We who are posting various messages in social media for example SUSA forum should be vigilant enough to forecast the consequences of message. We should consider when we utter a word. Because we are cultivating fertile ground for understanding the whole issue about freedom fighting with out violence.
From above words one can tell how relevant content is to all communicators, and all the people that dare to communicate effectively with the issues affecting more than 3.5 million people. Do not post because you want to, but you should have some thing to say which is worthy of learning that leads and contributes to victory.
When you felt a burden to be freedom fighter, you do not struggle doing the work of freedom fighter because it is in you. A feeling is some time hard to manage, but there are steps and long way of mastering it, and some times we need to share it with our peers before posting it, until we attain the calling of independent writings and the level of educators.
A feeling that leads to calling through the stages of preparation to leadership and educators status is right path.Below is some of the indicators and or signs of look out for freedom educator.
1) To be touched or internal conviction :-Begin to hate injustice (beebba) always want to help victims come out of it.
2) Verbal expression:- Find it easy to share the message about freedom justice with others.
3) Performance of prescribed works:- be a person of principle and action.
4) Have constant passion, compassion, empathy and weeping for the victims of injustice, regardless identity.
5) Seeing potential in people despite they do not understand you or misunderstood you. The time will come they will be touched by their encounters to step in your shoes.
.6) Prioritising freedom in your life.
7) Ready to pay a price.
If each one is reaching at least ten people, I am honest we play a role of Dooya for younger generation aspiration not to raid the territory of any jurisdiction but emancipate first of all ourselves, gradually others, generations to come and beyond.
However, the recruitment to a given Luwa grade does not depend on the age of the individual. It depends on the grade of one's father. For instance, if we assume that Darara is the first cycle and Mogissa is the last cycle, and if the son of Darara becomes Mogissa, a son born to a person who is a member of the Darara cycle has to wait for 32-40 years to join the Mogissa grade. Therefore, in the Luwa cycle, it is possible that a child as well as a 40 years old adult can become members of the same Luwa cycle. Thus, age is not a sole criterion in the making of the Sidama Cimeessa (respected elder).
A person who did not pass through the Luwa cycles cannot become a Cimeessa while a younger person can qualify for a position if he fulfils all other requirements. Spying is all about physical and psychological presence in the territory of enemy; evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy, and suggesting and instructing the comrades how to prepare over the strengths of the opponents before the carrying out actual combat.
Spying fathers of the Sidama luwa combatants have been instructors, strategists and educators. They were also good communicators who mastered the content of their messages, that lead their trainees to effective victory over enemy territories, expansion of the horizon of the nation and collect booty, for peer and pride for generation.
May be the most crucial question this time around is what is the content of the messages? I am sure that you are familiar with product labels which show what is inside even before you open. The term content means for me is a burden, essence, gist, ideas, the matter, meaning, significance, substance, thoughts or capacity.
If the message lucks in the contents department, then the whole message loses its purpose. The content acts as the back bone to our message and information. Imagine the human body without a back bone, the body will collapse. Therefore the content has to be taken seriously. We who are posting various messages in social media for example SUSA forum should be vigilant enough to forecast the consequences of message. We should consider when we utter a word. Because we are cultivating fertile ground for understanding the whole issue about freedom fighting with out violence.
From above words one can tell how relevant content is to all communicators, and all the people that dare to communicate effectively with the issues affecting more than 3.5 million people. Do not post because you want to, but you should have some thing to say which is worthy of learning that leads and contributes to victory.
When you felt a burden to be freedom fighter, you do not struggle doing the work of freedom fighter because it is in you. A feeling is some time hard to manage, but there are steps and long way of mastering it, and some times we need to share it with our peers before posting it, until we attain the calling of independent writings and the level of educators.
A feeling that leads to calling through the stages of preparation to leadership and educators status is right path.Below is some of the indicators and or signs of look out for freedom educator.
1) To be touched or internal conviction :-Begin to hate injustice (beebba) always want to help victims come out of it.
2) Verbal expression:- Find it easy to share the message about freedom justice with others.
3) Performance of prescribed works:- be a person of principle and action.
4) Have constant passion, compassion, empathy and weeping for the victims of injustice, regardless identity.
5) Seeing potential in people despite they do not understand you or misunderstood you. The time will come they will be touched by their encounters to step in your shoes.
.6) Prioritising freedom in your life.
7) Ready to pay a price.
If each one is reaching at least ten people, I am honest we play a role of Dooya for younger generation aspiration not to raid the territory of any jurisdiction but emancipate first of all ourselves, gradually others, generations to come and beyond.